We all need hope to preserve through the unknowns of life. Hope is the very essence that keeps society going. But what happens when you've lost all the hope you had in this world? Many of us believe that no hope leads to a dead end, but no hope can lead to real hope.
A perfect example that shows how no hope can lead to real hope is the story of the lame man whom Jesus had encountered in Jerusalem. Jesus went to visit a pool in Jerusalem that many of the disabled people would go to lie in for healing. There he met the lame man who had been sick for 38 years. Jesus asked him, "Do you want to get well?" (John 5:6).
The lame man answered, "I have no one to help me into the pool..while I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me." (John 5:7). Now, what was the lame man's answer to Jesus's question? His answer was not a plain yes, but was better than a yes.
His answer was a yes with an understanding that he had no other hope in this world to be healed.
The lame man was at a point where he no longer had hope that anything in this world could heal him, but it was his lack of hope that led him to completely surrender to Jesus. Jesus was his only hope left, and it was at the point of the lame man's surrender that Jesus healed him. Jesus told him to get up and walk, and by the power of God, he walked.
The lame man's no hope led him to find real hope, which was Jesus. The lame man knew he couldn't bet on the pool to heal him. How about you? Are you still betting on other things in this world other than Jesus to be your hope? Jesus can't be your hope until he becomes your only hope. It's when you understand that you've got nothing else in this world to hold on to that Jesus can then start to do miracles in your life.
The only way to find real hope in Jesus is to acknowledge that there is no other hope than Jesus.
The lame man was in a perfect condition to accept Jesus and his blessing because he knew he had no other hope. If you find yourself like the lame with no hope, don't be discouraged because that is the exact heart that God is looking for. He is looking for those who understand that this world has no real hope. God wants to show you that hope can only be found in Jesus.
Hebrews 6:19 says, "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.." No matter how bad your circumstances may seem, God's hope will hold you still. His anchor of hope is so strong that no storm can shake it. Jesus wants to show you what real hope is, will you surrender all else and hold on to him?
If you are still betting on something else to be your savior, then you will never meet the real savior of the world who is Jesus. If you're still hoping on your job to give you assurance in life, or your family to provide all you need, then you will never be healed from the worries of life.
Jesus is the only one who can heal you from all the worries and doubts that life brings. Jesus is asking you the same question he asked the lame man: Do you want to get well? Jesus wants to heal you, but you must be willing to believe that he is your only healer. Let him be the foundation that you stand on, and you can be sure that you will never be shaken. Isaiah 28:16 says, "..whoever believes need never be shaken."
Accept Jesus into your life, and you will see him become more real in your life. He wants you to have faith in him through the good and bad. You can be sure that with Jesus, the end will always be good. Embrace your brokenness, because all that it is doing is leading you to your true healer, Jesus. So remember, no hope can lead to real hope.
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