Monday, May 29, 2017

There Is Power Through Prayer

Many of us are familiar with prayer, but have we really understood the power of prayer? Prayer may only consist of words, but our words become powerful when they connect with God through prayer. There is power through prayer.

I never thought much of prayer and always excused myself out of it thinking I didn't have the gift of a prayer warrior. I never could find the right words to make my prayers sound grand, so I told myself that prayer just wasn't my thing.

I'd pray here and there but never invested my heart in it. Whether it was praying for myself or others, they would simply be a few quick words so I could move on in my day. This past January I prayed and asked God what he wanted me to work on this coming new year.

His answer was to pray more.

I didn't think God had called me to become a prayer warrior, but he showed me that everyone is called to pray. I started creating prayer cards with specific Bible verses for me to proclaim for myself, my ministry, and for those whom God put in my heart to pray for. Ever since I have been praying more, I've seen God work more through my life and Living Revelations.

More than ever have I received messages from people all over the world telling me how Living Revelations has touched their life. I credit this all to God. Through prayer, God's anointing and power have become stronger and more evident in my life.

We may see prayer as simple words spoken, but it is our prayers that draw the power of God into our lives and ministry.

Our prayers open doors for God to do the impossible. 

A great example of the power of prayer is in the life of the prophet Elisha from the Bible. Elisha was a man of prayer and a powerful prophet used by God. Elisha would always pray to God before any miracle happened through God. 2 Kings 6:17-18 says, "And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha...Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.

God's power was displayed through Elisha because of his prayers. Just as God used Elisha to bring miraculous powers, God also wants to use our prayers to shine his light and glory. God has plans to use us our prayers to bring his power, restoration, and miracles into the world. God's power becomes evident in our lives through prayer

We must make prayer a prioritization. We're all called to pray regardless if we consider ourselves a prayer warrior or not. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Prayer is not a requirement for some, but for all.

God calls you to pray because it's only through prayer that he can do wonders with your life. When you live a life following God's way and his righteousness, your prayers become powerful and effective (James 5:16).

When was the last time you invested heart in prayer? Have you realized the power your words have through prayer? God wants to show you more of Himself in your life, but he asks you to seek him with all your heart through prayer. God promises to those who seek him with all their heart that they will find him.

When you pray you are calling on a mighty God to move and act in your life. Pray with faith and boldness trusting that God can do the impossible. So remember, there is power through prayer.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

The One Who Knows Your Future

If there was a person who knew your future and could tell you exactly what choices were best for you, would you go to them and ask for help? Most of us would say yes, but have we realized that God is that exact one who knows our future and what is best for us? Look to the one who knows your future.

Many of us look to psychiatrists, speakers, pastors, and other people for wisdom and advice. While none of this is bad, we remember that at the end the best wisdom we can get for our lives is from God. While other people's advice may be good, they can't give you a 100% guarantee that their suggestion is the best because they don't know what your future holds. God however knows your future and what is best for you.

Even the wisdom of the wisest person on earth is not comparable to the wisdom and knowledge of God. 1 Corinthians 1:25 says, "for the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom.." God has all the answers to the uncertainties of life. Make your final decisions based on the wisdom and direction that God has given you.

                                                            No one is as wise as God. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God knows the plans for your life because he made those very plans for you. Before you were even born, God already set you apart for a special work (Jeremiah 1:5). God knows what you need to do today to get to your tomorrow.

God wants to give you direction and wisdom for your life, but he wants you to ask. James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." You are never disqualified from getting answers and wisdom from God. No matter what you've done or where you've been, God still loves you and sees you as his child. Look into God's word and ask God for wisdom and he will give it to you generously as long as you have faith in Jesus and believe that he is all you need.

God promises to those who ask, they will receive (Luke 11:10). The reason you might not be seeing miracles in your life may simply be because you have not asked and believed God to do miracles in your life. Jesus tells his disciples a parable of a persistent man who asked his friend for bread even during midnight. Jesus says in Luke 11:13, "...even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need."

Jesus used this example to show us that when we pray and ask God, it should be in faith and boldness - not limiting ourselves to our common sense or knowledge. Whatever you need from God, whether it be miraculous healing or what job to take, ask him in faith and boldness, believing that he will provide all you need. Your prayers will open doors for God to do the impossible. 

Have you looked to God and asked him to help you make the right choices you need to make today? Have you realized that God has all the answers you need, and to receive his wisdom requires you to simply ask and believe? If you're going through uncertainty today, ask God who knows your future. If you haven't asked God in the past for wisdom, start today knowing that he will not judge you for your past but desires to be your father and provider.

Entrust your life to God and look to him for direction and you will see that it will be the best decision you will ever make. You can be 100% sure that your life is in good hands when it's in God's hands. So remember, ask the one who knows your future.

Prayer: Lord, you know my future and your plans for me. Help me to look to your wisdom and direction every day.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Letting Go Of Justifiable Anger

Have you ever found it hard to let go of anger? Especially when you've got the right to be angry? While it may be hard to let go of the bitterness and resentment, there are more good reasons for you to let go of the anger rather than hold on to it. So why should we let go of justifiable anger? 

Anger can easily find it's way into our hearts, and if we are not careful, it has the capability to turn our loving heart into a bitter one

The way to know if you have a bitter heart for someone is when you find it hard to love them. That's where I found myself at - bitter and heartless. 

I was confused on why it was so difficult for me to love this person, but during my alone time with God, he showed me the root of this cause which was anger

Without me realizing, I found my anger taking away the kind and compassionate heart that God had intended for me. An angry heart creates a wall in us that blocks God's love from flowing through our lives. 

Being angry temporarily is fine, but it's when we hold on to anger that we will eventually hurt others and ourselves. It's impossible to love God and others with an angry heart, and it will stop us from truly living a life that draws others to Christ. 

God can't be glorified through an angry heart. 

The story of David's son Absolom is a great example of how anger can bring ruin to others and ourselves. Absolom was angry at his brother Amnon for raping his sister. He held on to that anger and ended up killing his own brother (2 Samuel 13:28-29). We see Absolom's pattern of anger happen again when his dad, King David refused to see him for 2 years. After David had accepted Absolom back, Absolom still held on to the bitterness and created a conspiracy against his own dad. 

Absolom brought together many men from different tribes to go against King David so that he could be king instead. We find later that Absolom's plan of revenge eventually led to his own death. Although Absolom had the right to be angry, his justifiable anger was not justifiable to God. 

No matter how justified our anger may be, God still calls us to forgive and let go. When we hold on to anger, it not only prevents us from loving others but will eventually lead us to sin against God. As followers of Christ, we are called to love others. John 13:35 says, "By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." 

Justifiable anger should never permit us to hold on to anger. Although we all have done wrong things to God, he still chooses to forgive us. God showed us grace through sacrificing his only son Jesus to save us from our wrongdoings. God doesn't hold our wrongs against us, and so we shouldn't do that to others. 

We can forgive and love others because God has forgiven and loved us. 1 John 4:19 says, "We love because he first loved us." Do you find yourself holding on to justifiable anger? Will you choose forgiveness over anger? God has plans for you and wants you to live in the fullness of his love and joy. He only asks you to let go of anger because anger will prevent you from experiencing all the joy and love he has for you. 

Trust that God knows what is best for you and leave the rest to him to care of. So remember, let go of justifiable anger.  

Prayer: "Lord, I thank you that you don't hold your anger towards us, rather you shower us with your love and grace. May we treat others the same as well."

Sunday, May 7, 2017

What It Means To Be Blessed

If I were to ask if you wanted to be blessed, you would give a definite yes. Most of us see being blessed as getting that raise or job we've been praying for or being able to afford the things we want. But God's true meaning of being blessed isn't about what we can gain. So what does it mean to be blessed?

For the past few months, I've been praying and asking God to bless me by giving me a promotion at my job. I've accomplished a lot for my company; from helping them create great products, growing their customer reach, and creating insightful strategies and reports. 

I thought I was getting closer to God finally answering my prayers when all my managers gave me great performance feedback and said I have helped the company reach the next level. 

But to my disappointment, I didn't get the promotion

I went to God angry and confused. "God, how could you not allow me to get a promotion? You know the hard work and passion I've put into this company, why have you not blessed me?" But it was during my time alone with God when he said to me, I have blessed you

It was in that moment when I realized God has blessed me. He has used me to bless the company and help them grow like they never had before since I've worked there. God's version of blessing me and shining his face upon me at work was me being kind to the unkind co-worker, serving my best to others even if it wasn't to my own advantage, and rejoicing in others promotion even if it didn't include my own. 

God's intention of blessing me wasn't for my own selfish agenda, but to bless others and make his ways known

God's purpose of blessing us is to make us a blessing for others. 

Psalm 67:1-2 says, "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us - so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among the nations." God's purpose of blessing us and making his face shine upon us is not to shine it on our own lives, but to shine it on him. God blessed us so that his ways may be known and glorified by all. 

The world may define being blessed as what we can gain, but it's when you can bless others that you've truly become a blessing. Paul, an apostle of Jesus says in Acts 20:35, "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Paul dedicated his life to serving others and sharing the goodness of God to bless others. Until today, many lives have been touched and transformed from his sacrifice. 

Paul's life shows us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Paul could have spent his life working and gaining a lot of money to buy himself a nice house, but Paul having a nice house of his own wouldn't have blessed the millions of lives that has been touched by his ministry. Paul understood what it meant to be blessed, and we too can be blessed like Paul. 

God desires to make you a blessing - to use you to transform your community and those around you through living a life as Jesus did and sharing his good news. 

Have you realized that you are blessed by God and have the potential to transform your world? Will you surrender your life to God so that he can use you as a blessing? 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, "...What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--". 

God has amazing plans for your life beyond what you see today. Ask God to open your heart and eyes to see from his perspective and live out the plans he has for you. So remember, you are blessed

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you have blessed me so that I can be a blessing to others.